Landscaping Edging Options For A Variety Of Needs
Edging your lawn between the grass and other landscape areas like flower beds isn't just attractive, it provides a barrier that helps keep these separate areas easy to maintain. You have many options when it comes to edging, so it pays to do some research.
Natural Look
For those that prefer a natural look, there are three main options when it comes to edging. Stone edging, which is usually made of large river rocks or cobbles, has a natural look, but it can be time consuming to install. Wood edging is another option. Generally, pressure treated lumber is used to minimize rot concerns. The last option is to skip out on edging materials all together and instead install trench edging. This is nothing more than a simple 3- to 5- inch deep trench dug around the border of the bed to act as an edge.
Rot Resistant
In areas with wet soil or damp weather, rot can be a huge concern. Vinyl edging provides a suitably rot resistant option, as does stone edging. Metal is also sometimes used, but be aware that certain metals can rust quite badly if they become creased and bent, such as from being run over with lawn equipment. Concrete curbing is a popular option for rot-resistant and maintenance-free edging.
Easy Install
If you plan to do the edging work yourself, you need an easy-to-install option. Edging strips, such as those made of vinyl, metal, or rubber, are the quickest to install. A simple trench is dug, the strips are inserted into it, and then the soil is backfilled in around the edging. In areas with heavy frost, sometimes stakes are also used to keep the edging from heaving. The next simplest type is trench edging, since all you need to do is dig the trench and you are done.
Combination Areas
A combination area is where one type of landscaping material, such as the lawn, meets another, such as a rock mulched garden bed. In combination areas you need edging that fits the space. If the area is mulched, opt for edging that is tall enough to contain the mulch. If the edge is curved, opt for concrete curbing or pavers with a flat edge that lies flush to the ground on the grass side — this makes it easier to mow right up against the edging. Narrow trench edges work well where concrete sidewalks meets grass.
Cost Effective
Cost is often a major concern with any landscaping project. When it comes to edging, basic trench edging is the least expensive option since there are no materials and the only expense is the labor to dig the trench. Vinyl and rubber edgings are the next lowest options in terms of cost.
Contact a landscaping service to learn more about your lawn edging options.