3 Lawn Drainage Solutions
If you have standing water on your property, it's time to explore your drainage options. The type of drainage you choose depends on the extent and location of the problem.
1. Drainage Ditch
The simplest type of drain is a basic drainage ditch. These are ideal when the lawn is graded on a slope, with a wet area that tends to develop at the bottom of the slope. You often see them installed where the lawn levels out before the road or driveway. At its most basic, this is no more than a deep trench dug to route water to the desired location, such as a retention pond or nearby storm drain.
Ditches can be nothing more than a dug trench, which may need to be mowed occasionally to keep it from filling in with plants. It may also be lined with rocks to make it easier to maintain. Ditches often go under driveways, as well, usually by means of a culvert.
2. French Drain
A french drain is an improvement on a basic ditch. These are ideal when there is a minor to moderate amount of water collecting at the base of slopes or in other low depressions in the yard.
A trench is dug at the site where standing water tends to collect. This trench is filled with a thick layer of gravel. This provides a well-drained area that allows the standing water to quickly percolate down and disperse deep into the soil. This is an ideal solution when there is nowhere to easily route the water. French drains are often found under downspouts, around the perimeter of the roof dripline, or along the edge of a driveway.
3. Drain Tile
A drain tile is a combination of a ditch and a french drain. When you have a lot of water runoff causing drainage issues, you may not be able to simply disperse it into the soil as you would with a french drain. It may also be less than ideal to have an open ditch for drainage. This is where the drain tile comes in.
A drain tile is a perforated pipe that allows water to seep in from above. Installation is similar to a french drain. The trench is dug, the pipe is laid, and then the trench is filled in with gravel so water percolates down and into the pipe easily. The pipe then routes the water to a drainage ditch, storm drain, or retention pond.
Contact local drainage services if you need help with the wet areas in your lawn.